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If you have any questions about this application:

  • Call us at +1.415.413.8458
  • Email us
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Choose Campus (you may select up to two campuses)
UB@PVCC is open in Fall only;
Summer intake is for UB@IVC, UB@SMC and UB@SCC only;
Winter intake is for UB@SMC and UB@SCC only
Please note that guardianship is required at UB@SCC each term for students under 18 years old until the first full term after their 18th birthday. Should you be living with family/guardian near Shoreline's campus, please alert your UBridge recruiting advisor or email with that information.

Personal Information

Name (Enter name exactly as it appears on passports or other official documents)
Name (Enter name exactly as it appears on passports or other official documents)
First Name
Last Name

Current Mailing Address - WHERE TO SEND I-20 (Student Home Address Required by US Law)

Please enter your home address
Please enter your home address
Address 2
Marital status
3rd party email addresses are not allowed

Agent Information

Are you using an education agent to apply to UBridge?

University Bridge Program Degree

What is your first choice for major?
University Bridge offers its students admissions to several hundred university majors, if you are looking for a major not listed let us know your preferred major and we will confirm that it is available for you. Please make sure you understand that selecting one of the majors above will determine your coursework at University Bridge.

Educational Data

Have you attended another high school previously?

Have you attended (or do you currently attend) a college or university?

List all other colleges or universities, and/post secondary schools including summer schools as well as summer and other programs you have attended, beginning with your first year of college. An official transcript and course equivalency evaluation translated into English must be included with this application for each college or university listed below. University Bridge may not accept university coursework not disclosed on this application. Additionally, failure to disclose university coursework on this application may lead to your dismissal from University Bridge.

Test Information

If you are applying for direct admission to University Bridge, your official TOEFL scores from the appropriate testing agency must be submitted with this application.
If you’ve taken the SAT or ACT and would like to include your scores, please do so. This is optional.

Other Required Information

If you answer yes to either or both questions below, please give the approximate date of each incident and explain the circumstances.
1. Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any secondary school or college/university you have attended, whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in your probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from the institution?
2. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other crime?

Visa Information

If you currently hold a valid U.S. visa in your passport, please indicate the type:
* If you are currently an F-1 student transferring from another school/college in the U.S

Don’t forget to upload copies of your current I-20, I-94 card, F-1 visa and passport, plus an official transcript before submitting this application.

Essay - Required for UBridge @ Santa Monica College

  • Write a 500 word essay explaining your reason(s) for applying to Santa Monica College.
    • What major do you want to study?
    • Do you wish to earn an associate’s degree and/or transfer to a university?
    • If you wish to transfer, which institutions(s) do you intend to apply to for transfer?

Documents and Academic Transcripts

Please attach the following (Certified with English translation if in another language)

  • Academic transcripts, examinations, and reports
    • High school transcripts (required)
    • College transcripts (if applicable)
  • Official TOEFL (iBT) score (if applicable)
  • Official IELTS score (if applicable)
  • Official SAT/ACT score (if applicable)
  • Copy of passport (required)

A certified copy, is a copy of an original document that has been certified as a true and correct copy by a person who is authorized to witness a statutory declaration.

To ensure successful uploads: Allowed formats are gif, jpeg, jpg, png, doc, docx and pdf.

No special characters in each filename (e.g. '%' and '?'). Each file size should be no larger than 10MB.

Be sure to cover all the above requirements!

Maximum file size: 10.49MB

Accepted file types: gif, jpeg, jpg, png, doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.


Statement of Affirmation

Terms and Conditions